
{Engaged} : Maria & Eric

I've been so lucky to shoot for so many old friends this year. Maria is probably one of the oldest - dating back to our days at the lovely West Jr High. When she called and asked if I would be available for her wedding I was thrilled. Last weekend I was down south for a wedding so I met up with Maria and Eric in their new home of Pasadena for some engagement photos. It was so good to catch up after all these years and get to see the boy she's so crazy about :) Here are some of my favorites from our time strolling around Pasadena's city hall!

p.s. - I'm now convinced that the light is just different in southern california.
somehow more glowy or something. i love it.

Can you say gorgeous??


  1. Maria ... you look stunning! Great pictures Erika!

  2. Yep. I cried. PERFECT! <3

  3. Oh Maria! I am so happy for you. So beautiful! Great Job E, you are amazing.

  4. Beautiful location, gorgeous photos! I love the one of them walking in the street - you really captured the way they interact.

  5. The pictures are amazing Erika! Maria... you and Eric look great. Love these!!

  6. love love love the brick wall shot!! :o) great job!!
