
{Just Because} : Keli & Brian

I feel strongly that you don't need a special event to justify having some fun, new photos taken of you and the people you love. Last March I photographed Keli & Brian, just because. Just because they are adorable, madly in love and wanted some photos for their home other than their wedding photos. It's been a little over a year and they are now two of our very best friends. Jake and I spend countless hours laughing with these two and we're so grateful they are a part of our life. Enjoy a few shots of them that we made this week - for no particular reason other than that love is beautiful and should be documented :)

Keli, you are beautiful. And your dress is fantastic :)

Who says engineers aren't cool. Pretty sure Brian rocked it.

So sweet together.

Love you guys!


  1. love the tile wall, and - of course - keli's BEAUTIFUL red hair! so fun to see!

  2. the red hair is so great with the green dress. lovely work e. when do the lipiras get their shoot?

  3. Love the last series. They are SO CUTE. I can't wait to meet them someday :)

  4. You not only captured the photo....you captured the PEOPLE! Those amazing photos are soooo Keli & Brian!

  5. Erika, you are an amazing friend, an unbelievable photographer, and the most wonderful human being. I love you so much and will cherish these photos! THANK YOU!!!!

  6. Great job! Love the one on the white picket (spelling?) fence. :o)

  7. I would love to meet up and make a friend! Whats your email? Mines abiqphoto@gmail.com!
