
Baby Anna

Remember Kristi from a few months ago? Well last time I was home I got to meet her sweet new baby girl and snap a few shots. I just wanted to sit and hold her so it was a challenge to let her go and take some photos but we managed and got some sweet pictures with Anna and her parents. Congratulations, Kristi & Andrew, on your sweet baby girl!

I love this one just for the expression on Anna's face - can't you just hear her saying "Eww, Mom & Dad!"

Had to include this one of Anna and her beautiful aunt Kayla, who happens to be one of my best friends and is coming to visit me in two days!!

And finally, check out Anna's custom "B is for Baby" poster from Hoot Design Co. It's so fun to search the poster for fun words that are special to that family. Nice work, Kristen!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen: I love the poster, and so will many new moms out there. So neat how you can personalize it. Put my name in the hat. Matt and Tia would love one of those to hang in Miss Addie's room.
    Brenda Felts
