
Triplets! | Adalyn, Benjamin & Caleb

I had the great pleasure of meeting three brand new babies while in Missouri for Thanksgiving. Adalyn, Benjamin and Caleb are absolutely precious. They were so sweet that it was hard to put down whoever I was holding to take pictures!! The triplets did a great job for their first big photo shoot, although they are already asserting their independence. It was pretty tough to get a shot in which they are all asleep, all awake, all with a pacifier or all without. It's going to be so fun to watch these three grow up and see who they become!! Congratulations, Cheryl & John on your BEAUTIFUL family. Thanks for letting me in for a few days of photo fun!

Most shots I took were of all three but this shot of sweet little Adalyn was too cute to not post.

Cheryl found this tag on a gift bag and thought it would work well as a prop! I love it!

30 little toes!!!

Such a cute family!!


  1. The babies are perfect and so are your pics!! Love the thirty toes - WOW!

  2. Amazing pictures! Love seeing these 3 kids again.

  3. These are amazing, Erika! I love every single shot! Absolutely beautiful.
